Eating the Frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Awais Zubair
2 min readAug 21, 2020

Its been 4 days i am using this technique. First i thought it is some kind of gadget which i have to buy and then i can use this i even started looking for it online now i can tell you two things
First and the most important one this can change your life maybe i am exaggerating but at least it can change your day.

For a person like me who get lost in thoughts even while driving this can be a lifesaving practice
giving your self a time task and put your all focus in it for a limited time that all it does but this can totally change the output of that work and can save you a lot of time.

How its work? or how i make it work for me?
I decide a task to do.
I set a timer for 25 minute
Start working on that task
Do not get distract in this 25 minute
If something came in mind i write it down somewhere
And Mostly I completed the task in less then 20 minute

There is a thing called “lack of focus” I am full of it :P and i think i can be more focused on thing now.

And yes an other important thing 1200/- Rupees and also it is not available on Daraaz you can order it on AliExpress :D

